Issues Model European Parliament Madrid 2012





§         Austria

§         Belgium

§         Czech Republic

§         Finland

§         Greece

§         Hungary

§         Italy

§         Latvia


§         Portugal

§         Romania

§         Slovenia

§         Sweden

§         United Kingdom

§         Croatia

§         Turkey




Committee on International Trade


The question of the competitive position of the EU in the field of patents and production technology: through mergers and acquisitions, know-how of European companies is getting into the hands of non-EU foreign companies. Protectionist measures could safeguard the European competitive position vis a vis, for instance, the US and China, but such measures would contravene WTO-rules. What should the EU position be in this respect?



Committee on Employment and Social Affairs


The question of growing unemployment among young people in the European Union: increasingly unemployment, specifically amongst the younger generation, is becoming a serious problem within the European Union. What measures can the EU take to stimulate the participation of young people in the labour market – or should fighting unemployment be considered a national responsibility?



Committee on Environment, Health and Food Safety


The question of the protection of biodiversity: the EU strives to protect, and where necessary restore, flora and fauna by creating a network of nature reserves, Natura 2000. This will inevitably entail limitations on sectors such as recreation, agriculture, fishing and housing, with consequences for employment. How can these competing interests be balanced?



Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs


The question of human trafficking: every year great numbers of people are smuggled into the European Union by traffickers. A large percentage of these end up in prostitution, others fall victim to forced labour, human organ trade and illegal adoption. What can be done to fight this modern-day slave trade?



Committee on Constitutional Affairs


The question of the cohesion of the European Union: the European leaders have, since the beginning of the financial crisis, not proved able to provide the decisive leadership required to face the present problems. This jeopardises the overall cohesion of the Union. What instruments does the EU have at its disposal to face the problems and retain cohesion, and how should these be deployed?